I was packing for a trip to France.
I was gathering some summer clothes from the attic today to get me looking fab in France. Unlike before I now switch every fall and spring most of my clothes. The almost childish feeling that you suddenly have all new clothes again is just too great. All happy to see that forgotten great dress or shirt again that I am eager to wear. And today by going through my summer clothes it hit me. Most clothes I have had for years and they are still fenominal great pieces.
I don’t “do” trends.
I just buy and wear what I love and usually I’m in love with these pieces for quite a time. By sticking to my own truth I don’t get bored and neither do people that see me, as I get quite often complimtens on how my outfit. I never heard, “wow that shirt is way outdated” or “why are you still wearing all those colors, you did that 10 years ago too”. Obviously this fits me.
Hospitality Design Trends follow each other in rapid succession. How do you feel about them, do you think you should know them and comply with them?
It’s a frequently asked question to me; what are the hospitality design trends in the near future. I always say; “I don’t really care about trends”. That is of course a disappointing answer, but I also explain why I think about it this way and why they should not care so much about the trends.
My experience is that by being autenthic you are so much more attractive then copy-pasting what every one else is doing. It is much more interesting and refreshing. People from all walks of life find it super cool to be surprised. And guess what? Beside your clients, the press also will love to write about you. Important side effect that you can probably appreciate. And your revenue too!
What I see though is that entrepeneurs often are afraid of missing the mark. The pitfall here is to go for standard solutions, because that will result in you becoming just one of the many out there, which is of course something you definitely want to avoid.
By following and applying Hospitality Design Trends, you are one of the many and you therefore do not stand out at all in the jungle of hotels and restaurants.
Imagine what happens when you surprise people with combinations and details they have never seen before. If you would dare to opt for customised solutions, so that you can be the high-profile ‘place to go’ that people are talking about.
By following Hospitality Design Trends you will have attention for a short while, because you are a new location that people want to “try out”. But soon you will no longer stand out in the landscape of comparable companies. No one will leave an outstanding review telling that you are the new place to be. The press won’t write about you because you’re one of the many… Trends are short term solutions.
By not following Hospitality Design Trends, your company is much more resilient to the future. You will notice that if you dare to stick your neck out, people appreciate it.
So would you like to get to the top through an interior everyone will be talking about?
Or are you content to stay in your comfort zone, with the risk of soon being overtaken by the competition?
Think about what would happen if your interior projected more daring. What would this mean for your business? The single piece of advice I want to leave you with is this: prioritise what’s important to you. After all, you’re only one choice away from a totally different situation. What would your business look like in 12 months’ time if you would follow your own path?
Click on the link below and request a personal meeting with me so that I can tell you more about my ideas for your high-profile interior.
Are you ready to get more results from your interior? Then it’s smart to start aiming for a high profile interior. Here are 3 ways you can get my inspiration and ideas for attracting premium customers with your interior: