Thank you for booking your call with us!
STEP 1: Before the call, please take a minute to review the resources below so that you are fully prepared for our call.
STEP 2: If you have a partner that is part of the decision making process, it is important that they review these resources as well so that we can use our 45 minute call effectively.
STEP 3: The goal of this call is to determine if we’re a good fit. If we are, we’ll explain the next steps to move forward together and get you onboarded into our international design community!
If you’re feeling unsure about investing, please watch the video below:
If you have a partner/spouse, please have them watch the video below:
But don’t just take my word for it—hear what our members have to say below!
"I love that in DBM, we’re surrounded by people facing the same challenges. It pushes you to move forward, and I realized I really needed that." – VALERIE
"I couldn’t get my business off the ground on my own, but with the support and guidance I received, everything finally started to fall into place." - TANJA
"Starting my own studio felt overwhelming, but the training gave me clarity, helped me focus on the right audience, and gave me the confidence to take the next steps!" - MEREL

Cynthia now works authentically and has a clear vision for her business!

Angelique successfully improved her client acquisition and design process

Rosemary rebuilt her foundation and grew her design business